There can be a number of physical ailments that can come from working somewhere like a factory or in construction. Hearing loss issues are common for workers, which is why hearing protection really is a must for workers. 

So, taking some steps to help noise protection for your workers will be a positive thing to ensure they are happier and healthier in different aspects of their life.

Everyday noise protection

Noise protection isn’t something that needs to be thought about only a few days of the year or once a week. When workers are in situations where there is a lot of noise, then they need to be protected all of the time. That is why noise protection should be used every day. This could include things like industrial earplugs or earmuffs as they can help to protect workers’ ears and their hearing.

Avoid environments that are too loud

You might think that hearing loss is only going to be something that is experienced by people who work in loud concerts or work in construction using jackhammers. Of course, these workers can experience hearing loss on the job, but it can happen in any work environment that is a loud one. 

Loud vehicles, machinery and speakers can all impact hearing. Keeping on top of hearing is important, but there are some things that you can do such as avoiding too many situations that are loud, unless you really have to be there. 

Wear noise-canceling headphones

Not all headphones are created equal. If you have workers that are using their phone headphones, then they will help to cancel some external noise, but not to a good enough level. 

You don’t want workers to be blasting in music into their ears to drown out other sounds from the outside. Instead, having noise-canceling headphones is so important. These help to reduce the overall levels of noise pollution, without any other strain or pressure on the ears. 

Quit smoking and check blood sugar

Smoking is something that can impact different aspects of your health, from your lungs and from your heart. Smoking is damaging to the cells in your whole body, and that includes those that are inside your ear. 

So, if you are a smoker, then it is a good idea to quit if you want to look after your hearing. You should also think about getting your blood sugar levels checked. This could help with any imbalances that could impact your ears, so it is worth speaking to your audiologist about this to find out more. 

Never stick anything inside your ear canal

It is so important to use everyday noise protection for workers that doesn’t mean sticking anything inside your ear canal. Some earbuds are badly designed and can end up in the ear canal, which isn’t what you want. You should also avoid using anything to go in your ears that removes things like earwax, as this can cause damage. 

Not only could this cause a perforated eardrum, but it could also lead to pushing things further into your ear which can be painful and dangerous. If you think that you do have hearing damage or hearing loss, then speak to your audiologist. 

Use noise protection when needed

If you are someone who has experienced hearing loss, or you could be at risk of hearing loss, then having some noise protection devices are a must in the workplace. 

Having earplugs to use at work, as well as in other situations in life where things are noisy, will go a long way to make sure that hearing doesn’t get worse, or stay as it is. Don’t just take care of your hearing at work if you then go to loud music concerts and don’t take steps to help your hearing; help your hearing no matter what you are doing. 

If you want to find out more about noise protection for workers or you have other questions about hearing aids or hearing loss, then please get in touch with the team at Gavin Audiology. We are a team of experts in this area, and can help you to find hearing aids that will suit you and your needs. So why not give us a call today at (914) 610-3440. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing how we can help.